Port -- Sets the port, where the application communicates with Xdebug. If any other port is specified, the specified port number needs to be set in Xdebug configuration files.
When you change the port that Workbench will listen for you will also need to change the port specified either in your php.ini (xdebug.remote_port option) or in the environment variable "XDEBUG_CONFIG" where "remote_port=#"
Automatic Stack Trace: -- When this setting is set to on, the tracing of function calls will be enabled just before the script is run. This makes it possible to trace code. Checking this box turns on automatic Stack trace, unchecking it turns this feature off.
Dump Super Globals: -- Dumps Super Globals(variables)when the checkbox on its right is checked, not dumped , if left unchecked.
This setting controls which data from the superglobals is shown when an error situation occurs. Each php.ini setting can consist of a comma seperated list of variables from this superglobal to dump, but make sure you do not add spaces in this setting. In order to dump the REMOTE_ADDR and the REQUEST_METHOD when an error occurs, add this setting: xdebug.dump.SERVER = REMOTE_ADDR,REQUEST_METHOD© 2004, Maguma GmbH, All Rights Reserved
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